Steve Logan Tree Closeup Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970
Steve Logan Tree Closeup Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970

Steve Backshall's Father-Son Safari To Kenya

When one of TV’s best-known wildlife enthusiast, Steve Backshall, tasked us with crafting an unforgettable father-son safari in celebration of his son’s 5th birthday, we knew exactly how to create a trip that would excite and inspire both in equal measures. When one of TV’s best-known wildlife enthusiast, Steve Backshall, tasked us with crafting an unforgettable father-son safari in celebration of his son’s 5th birthday, we knew exactly how to create a trip that would excite and inspire both in equal measures.
When one of TV’s best-known wildlife enthusiast, Steve Backshall, tasked us with crafting an unforgettable father-son safari in celebration of his son’s 5th birthday, we knew exactly how to create a trip that would excite and inspire both in equal measures. When one of TV’s best-known wildlife enthusiast, Steve Backshall, tasked us with crafting an unforgettable father-son safari in celebration of his son’s 5th birthday, we knew exactly how to create a trip that would excite and inspire both in equal measures.
Bones Strong Closeup Logan Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970
Working with some of our go-to partners in Kenya, who offer the best possible safari experience for those travelling with family in tow, we created a memory-making trip that took Steve and his son into the Kenyan wilderness for just shy of a week.

They travelled across the sweeping Kenyan savannahs by light aircraft and stayed in the Loisaba Conservancy before heading into the Masai Mara, where Elephant Pepper Camp and House in the Wild offered them the freedom to explore the rolling plains and lush forests at their own pace.

Following his trip, we asked Steve to share his experience of travelling with his 5-year old son, along with any tips learnt along the way and, of course, we were curious to know of any memorable wildlife encounters he had alongside Logan.
Steve Backshall And Son Walking
Steve Shares His Experience of Taking His Son on First Ever Safari
"Having the trip organised for us by Journeysmiths took so much of the hassle out of the planning. Their knowledge is incredible, and they understood what we wanted. I knew we were going to the best places available, and that the logistics of moving between properties would be seamless.

They made it beyond easy - there were also special touches along the way, a real feeling that everything had been done for us, personally, and that we, and our needs were being thought of every second of every day.

It was never overwhelming and we felt like we were very much getting the Kenyan experience: we weren’t overloaded with luxury that we would've felt uncomfortable with, but we never wanted for anything. I can't thank everyone enough for all they've done to me and my new little wildlife warrior!"
Steve And Logan Looking Through The Grass

I was lucky because my parents both worked for British Airways, which meant that we travelled a lot as kids. I went on my first safari to Zimbabwe when I was about Logan’s age and it certainly set me on the path towards working with wildlife. It affected me so deeply: seeing the wild untamed landscape, the big skies, the blood red sunsets, and of course the animals.


As with everything in parenthood, you see things afresh because you're looking at them through your children's eyes. Elements of watching wildlife that have come to be normal to me, were super special again. Whether that was watching a dung beetle trundling along with its football of poo, finding tracks in the dirt and trying to figure out what they meant, trying to identify the differing calls of the wild, the experience was 1 billion times sweeter because I was seeing it through his eyes.
Logan Safari Vehicle Closeup Elewana Stevebackshall 1600 970

The response couldn’t have been better, but then we did have an incredible first safari!

Within an hour of starting our first drive from Elewana Lodo Springs in the Loisaba Conservancy we found a hyena den with inquisitive young cubs, had an elephant walk past our vehicle, and then sat at the base of a tree, watching a leopard crunch on an impala. It had made the kill just seconds before we arrived and had dragged its catch up into the branches. Logan was transfixed. So was I!

Perhaps the most surprising thing for me was how he adapted to the bush, and to spotting wildlife.

On our first game drive he could barely see big animals, even when they were right in front of us, and I was pointing directly at them! Within 24 hours, he learned how to properly use binoculars, and by the end of the trip he was spotting animals out of the horizon before I was. I hadn't realised that seeing was such a skill.
Safari Guide Brown Teaching Logan Elewana Stevebackshall 1600 970

One of the most impactful aspects of our visit was our guide, Brown (Samburu, Lemaiyan Lengalai) in Loisaba. When I first turned up and saw him wearing his local tribal gear, my heart sank a little, thinking that this was something done for the tourists.

But the longer we spent together the more it became clear that he genuinely treasured his heritage and wanted to share it with us. His knowledge and passion were incredible and he taught us so much.

He brought the bush to life and he and Logan were inseparable by day – it was a beautiful friendship. He was so kind to my boy and taught him so much – he made the trip completely unforgettable.

All of our game drives in Loisaba had special moments but watching tiny lion cubs playing tug-of-war with their mums tail, and then, later on, the pride feasting at dusk on a newly down zebra.

At Elephant Pepper we had a close encounter with a cheetah as it wandered past our vehicle. On another occasion we had breakfast under a giant acacia by a river filled with a giant pod of bellowing hippo.

As we sipped our coffees, an African fish eagle swept over our head and swooped down to try to snatch a fish from the river...
Well, I sipped on coffee, Logan had a hot chocolate – I’m not sure I’d want to see a five year old after a cafetière of espresso!

It’s very difficult to choose a wildlife highlight during our stay at House in the Wild – we were so lucky with all our sightings. One of the most memorable moments of the trip for me was an evening spent out on the savannah:

The light that evening was otherworldly, and we could see a storm rampaging across the plains – it was stunning. During a bush walk we found a pile of old giraffe bones, and Logie and I picked through them, piecing the bits together like a huge jigsaw puzzle.
Logan Camera Closeup Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970
Rhino Closeup Logan Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970

Logan's highlights were more often the simple things. He loved the games and challenges we played, both out on game drives and back at camp. We’d offer points for a particular bird species or sighting, or play games involving animal facts.

In terms of the wildlife, he was wowed by the elephants we saw from Elephant Pepper in the Mara North Conservancy, and getting up close to rhino at House in the Wild is something neither of us will ever forget.
Loisaba Starbed Boy Watching Sunrise 1600 970

On Logan’s birthday, we went out for an early morning game drive from Elewana Elephant Pepper Camp and stopped for breakfast by a river full of hippos.

I kind of expected a thermos of coffee and a muffin, but we were treated to a banquet with everything you can imagine! It was exquisite. And on the night of his fifth birthday, we stayed at Elewana Loisaba Star Beds.

As night fell, our bed was wheeled out onto an elevated platform, with no barrier between us and the bush. Shooting stars sparkled above us as we were serenaded to sleep by the sounds of the burping hippos, roaring lions, and chattering spotted hyenas. It was the most magical night of my life.
Hyena 2Cubs Mum Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970

My top tip for anyone thinking of taking younger kids on safari, is that you know your kids better than anyone else. Whilst your child may be keen on wildlife, how are they at sitting still?

How are they obeying instructions when the outcome is important? Game drives can mean long hours, sitting in a vehicle, potentially not seeing anything, and then, when you do, having to be quiet and still (not just as a matter of respect to the wildlife and other guests, but also from a safety perspective).

Some properties have minimum ages for children on safari for this reason, and if you’re taking young children I would definitely pay for a private vehicle (at House in the Wild a private vehicle comes as standard) which allows you to make decisions that work best for your family.
Sunset Landscape Logan Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970

I don't think it's ever too early to start the dialogue about conservation, but the trip really brought home some of the big issues facing our wildlife.

Trying to explain to Logan that the armed men surrounding the majestic rhino feeding peacefully in front of us were vital to its protection was a difficult conversation. The incredulity in his eyes when I talked about poachers said it all.
Logan Feeding Zebra Foal Elewana Stevebackshall 1600 970

I was really impressed with the way the conservancies are not just run in tandem with communities, but run by the communities and for the communities.

All of our guides were local and knew the land and the wildlife intimately, and I think this is so important. They have a real pride in their areas, and are keen to showcase their land, whilst at the same time being fierce protectors of it. It's the perfect blueprint of land management.

Not just for the benefit of outsiders, but for those who own the land too – tourism should deliver value to local communities and conservation, whilst at the same time educating visitors so they leave with a greater understanding and a deeper connection. It’s important that the tourism dollar should benefit local communities.
Places Steve & Logan Stayed
Hero Image Infinity Pool Lodo Springs Laikipia
Hero Image Infinity Pool Lodo Springs Laikipia
Laikipia, Kenya
Lodo Springs

Lodo Springs is the newest and most luxurious camp in the renowned Loisaba Conservancy. This camp is made for adventure and promises an exciting and varied safari experience in a gloriously game-rich area of Kenya.

Read moreLodo Springs
Hiw 8B772B5C1F411313684F6Da3F85Ddcd6F105E5Mv2 Max1800X1200
Hiw 8B772B5C1F411313684F6Da3F85Ddcd6F105E5Mv2 Max1800X1200
Masai Mara, Kenya
House in the Wild, Kenya

House in the Wild is an intimate, family-owned luxury lodge that offers a truly private, high-quality safari experience and a genuine home away from home, simply perfect for families or smaller groups.

Read moreHouse in the Wild, Kenya
Hero Sun Set Loisaba Star Beds
Hero Sun Set Loisaba Star Beds
Laikipia, Kenya
Loisaba Star Beds

Loisaba Star Beds offers the ultimate sleeping under the stars experience combined with superb game viewing, excellent food and a friendly team of staff.

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Deck Outside Bedroom Elephant Pepper Camp Masai Mara
Deck Outside Bedroom Elephant Pepper Camp Masai Mara
Masai Mara, Kenya
Elephant Pepper Camp

Elephant Pepper Camp is a step back in time but with modern comforts: an original bush camp, eco-friendly, and committed to finding a way of life that does not harm the wilderness.

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Steve Logan Tree Closeup Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970
Steve Logan Tree Closeup Housewild Stevebackshall 1600 970
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Pool Ol Lentille Laikipia
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