Camp Hwange
The traditional campfire is at the heart of the camp for sunrises, sunsets, mealtimes and evenings spent star-gazing.
The camp is renowned for its ‘green footprint’, with solar power providing all the power and hot water, and natural building materials used to carefully blend the camp into the surrounding bush.
Game drives are in open-roofed four-wheel drive vehicles, offering ideal opportunities for close-up photography as do visits to the numerous hides throughout the reserve.
A unique log pile hide in the shade near the waterhole can be visited during the day so that you may have a close up view of all the visitors needing to drink and carry out their ablutions.
From mysterious baobab groves, to the arid sands of Hwange, the balancing rocks of Matobo, and the awesome Zambezi River as it rages over Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe is a country that serves up all that could be hoped for in an African holiday destination.
There are few other safari destinations that offer the sheer diversity of landscapes that Zimbabwe does. The cascading waters of Victoria Falls and forested banks of the Zambezi River contrast with the arid open plains of Hwange and the rugged mountain terrain of Matusadona. Together, they create a completely unique safari experience.